Bring your KNX installations to a new level of flexibility
with the new KNX TOOLBOX embedded server 


KNX TOOLBOX is an embedded server dedicated to KNX professionals who want to increase their productivity and give more flexibility to final users of their KNX installations. Thanks to the power of ETS INSIDETM , which is preinstalled inside and ready-to-use, the configuration, deploy and maintenance of a KNX installation become easier and quicker then ever!


ETS InsideTM on the go




Handy to install

KNX TOOLBOX occupies just 2 DIN modules in your cabinet; it becomes hard not to find a place for such a powerful and small device. Connect power supply, ethernet cable to your LAN, and you are on the go!

ETS INSIDE at the moment requires a KNX USB interface, a KNX IP Interface or a KNX IP Router to work properly. In the next future, the integrated KNX interface will be available, in order to avoid an additional interface.



Technical Specifications



Dimensions [DIN rail modules]


Power supply

12-24 VDC


LAN (RJ45)
KNX (TP) (*)
USB (1x)
RS485 (*)

(*) for future applications



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